Travel post 3.0

My trip to Moab so me and my dad share a birthday and for every 2nd birthday he takes everybody on 1 trip. They get to choose. It goes Gavin Logan’s mom’s, Afton, me and dad. But this year me and my dad went to Moab. I was about 5 at the time and it […]

My favorite color

My favorite color is blue I like the ocean the sky the rain. my eyes are like a dark blue a tinted color to it I don’t really know why but blue has just always just been my favorite things clothes shoes hats candy drinks just anything blue I lived in Costa Rica for 3 […]

Free write 2.0

I play many sports. I used to play basketball when I was like six, but that doesn’t count. I play football. I’ve played baseball for six or seven years. I started off playing tee ball for dimple dal and I’ve played football for corner canyon for 3 years and will keep playing through high-school id […]

My first post

this is my first blog post. I’m learning how to add pictures and links to my post my favorite candy is carmelo       My favorite website is you can visit by clicking hereĀ